Monday 23rd March with the MAD MARCH HARE- FORREST STUMP ! his change
of venue already sending a few to Trusham ! Meanwhile at the Artichoke
Christow an apology from several Hasher’s, including our GM, but some
others absentees had probably joined another Monday Hash !! Yours truly
(WINFIELD) welcomed two virgin Hasher's to the circle introduced by
SLIP-on-Me, it was also good to see a recovering WOODLEND back with us.
The MARCH HARES trail, with assistance from WOODLEND and
FORREST HUMP was to be a 5mile Long with a S/Short and Medium ?? route
led us around the village across the floodlit sports fields after that a
scrambling over one of several fences followed by gates, slippery
styles private land and loose horses thank goodness FISHBAIT was with us
ready to ride them off if needed ! With my knee still not 100% ( should
really still be resting it but!!) I did try to avoid the Long but
somehow along with SLACKER and MOULDY we ended up on the Long ½ mile
from Bridford!. Then as SLCKER predicted we gasped our way up that
infamously very steep Quarry track, which apparently MUCKING FUDDLE
thought would be better than running down it!! ( she was tonight absent
though!). Thank goodness there was a Fruit Stop at the top! and a good
downhill section now back into Christow.
It was good to find the
popularity of the Artichoke growing, as the pub was packed out with
drinkers and diners we found ourselves crushed into the middle bar area
although this did alter rapidly when TEAPOT blew his horn to thank the
pub for the beer and the excellent food spread later including some
prawn sandwhiches The Down-downs were awarded first to
SINKER- for getting his “privates” caught on an electric fence !
MARY- now named OOH-EERR as she cried this out after trying unsuccessfully to avoid the Shiggy!
WOODLEND- saying he laid part of the trail by CAR! he also received his 100 RUNS BADGE
FORREST the "MAD MARCH HARE" himself for believing that the clocks
would have changed for a lighter evening!....that will be next week then
A great evening well done the Hares!