Monday 16th January 2017
The Manor Inn, Galmpton hared by U-Bend
“I wonder if there will be room in the car park?” said Bobbiball. “Loads of room.” replied Wigwam. And there was.
It was a struggle maneuvering his big white camper into the space alongside Manpigs SUV. “Shall I get out and see you back or shall we just wait for the bang when you hit the wall?” Wigwam offered. Bobbiball chose the latter, much to the amusement of Manpig and his passenger Archangel.
The Manor Inn, Galmpton hared by U-Bend
“I wonder if there will be room in the car park?” said Bobbiball. “Loads of room.” replied Wigwam. And there was.
It was a struggle maneuvering his big white camper into the space alongside Manpigs SUV. “Shall I get out and see you back or shall we just wait for the bang when you hit the wall?” Wigwam offered. Bobbiball chose the latter, much to the amusement of Manpig and his passenger Archangel.
In the circle U-Bend, sartorial in his puffa jacket and jeans, excused his lack of athletic attire saying “I've done my bit.”
Promised two L-S splits, a walking route and a sweetie stop we set off along the Stoke Gabriel Road. “There'll be no sweets for the walkers.” added U-Bend when it he felt safe enough to mention it.
Uncertain of how we got there I did notice Galmpton Marina, Greenaway Woods (including a gory headless pigeon), the viewpoint where the cover photo of TVH3 was taken, a sweetie stop and the bridle-path to Kennel Lane before finally overtaking Slip on me and Satnav (How did they get so far ahead?) on the run in to the pub.
SMEllie got caught up on some barbed wire in the process of climbing a 5 barred gate and was rescued fireman style by Archangel. She escaped a down down as Archangel deserved the award. Bobbiballs parking effort was awarded. U-Bend received a Down Down for dressing so well. Able Semen celebrated 23 years of hashing by receiving her 750th run badge and an expertly taken down down. Finally Shrivel was awarded for proposing to make an honest woman of Georgy P Orgy's daughter.
A pleasant trail on a cool dry evening. Thanks U-Bend.
Promised two L-S splits, a walking route and a sweetie stop we set off along the Stoke Gabriel Road. “There'll be no sweets for the walkers.” added U-Bend when it he felt safe enough to mention it.
Uncertain of how we got there I did notice Galmpton Marina, Greenaway Woods (including a gory headless pigeon), the viewpoint where the cover photo of TVH3 was taken, a sweetie stop and the bridle-path to Kennel Lane before finally overtaking Slip on me and Satnav (How did they get so far ahead?) on the run in to the pub.
SMEllie got caught up on some barbed wire in the process of climbing a 5 barred gate and was rescued fireman style by Archangel. She escaped a down down as Archangel deserved the award. Bobbiballs parking effort was awarded. U-Bend received a Down Down for dressing so well. Able Semen celebrated 23 years of hashing by receiving her 750th run badge and an expertly taken down down. Finally Shrivel was awarded for proposing to make an honest woman of Georgy P Orgy's daughter.
A pleasant trail on a cool dry evening. Thanks U-Bend.