Mon.22nd May The Monks Retreat Broadhempston and its Hash 1692&AGPU with our
1700th RUN fast approaching, but more on this tomorrow!
Circle up and once again thanks to FUKAWE'S village and pub posters 8 or so locals joined us for the evening (Is this something we should try more often?) The Hares trail laid in a variation of flour and sawdust with Splits and a Sweet/Cider/Strawberry Stop, led us out along the lanes from the village, with the Short eventually taking an Split towards Beacon Hill while the Long carried on towards Bicaton.
Here was where I spotted a black goat in the orchard but TINY TANKS said it was a sheep! Also just around the corner was a miniature house on a bank beside the road? and opposite what looked like tractors graveyard with so many rusting! there, we almost all took the wrong trail here, but it was at Beaston Cross further on that where the Pack confused its self by running past a Check back X
For what seemed like several miles now we were running along a track which included wall to wall water just to cool us down? But we lost the trail again at a junction as FUKAWE had cunningly concealed the mark round the corner leading to Halswell.
Finally we thankfully reached the refreshment stop with time for a photo, before moving off road up through the forest, climbing up and over Beacon Hill heading back into Broadhempston.
Inside the Monks Retreat next on our Agenda, the Down-Downs which were awarded to :-
MOULDY DICK for encouraging U-Bend/ Ladybouy's dog to go down a rabbit hole!
( did he fall in that one earlier?)
FUKAWE after losing? (Mouldy!) his car key had to beak into his house for a spare.
WOOF-WOOF for asking which trail were we on? four or sawdust!
WET JOHNNY had a BBQ and missed the Trai but not a beer!
MIGMAN was finally awarded his HEROIC ACT shirt, passing the beer heroically on to WIGWAM!
Well done FUKAWE for arranging our AGPU a great evening and Food
On to next week Mon.29th May from Main CP Ashburton Teararse, Able Semen's Birthday Hash
Circle up and once again thanks to FUKAWE'S village and pub posters 8 or so locals joined us for the evening (Is this something we should try more often?) The Hares trail laid in a variation of flour and sawdust with Splits and a Sweet/Cider/Strawberry Stop, led us out along the lanes from the village, with the Short eventually taking an Split towards Beacon Hill while the Long carried on towards Bicaton.
Here was where I spotted a black goat in the orchard but TINY TANKS said it was a sheep! Also just around the corner was a miniature house on a bank beside the road? and opposite what looked like tractors graveyard with so many rusting! there, we almost all took the wrong trail here, but it was at Beaston Cross further on that where the Pack confused its self by running past a Check back X
For what seemed like several miles now we were running along a track which included wall to wall water just to cool us down? But we lost the trail again at a junction as FUKAWE had cunningly concealed the mark round the corner leading to Halswell.
Finally we thankfully reached the refreshment stop with time for a photo, before moving off road up through the forest, climbing up and over Beacon Hill heading back into Broadhempston.
Inside the Monks Retreat next on our Agenda, the Down-Downs which were awarded to :-
MOULDY DICK for encouraging U-Bend/ Ladybouy's dog to go down a rabbit hole!
( did he fall in that one earlier?)
FUKAWE after losing? (Mouldy!) his car key had to beak into his house for a spare.
WOOF-WOOF for asking which trail were we on? four or sawdust!
WET JOHNNY had a BBQ and missed the Trai but not a beer!
MIGMAN was finally awarded his HEROIC ACT shirt, passing the beer heroically on to WIGWAM!
Well done FUKAWE for arranging our AGPU a great evening and Food
On to next week Mon.29th May from Main CP Ashburton Teararse, Able Semen's Birthday Hash