Welcome to the Teign Valley Hash House Harriers of glorious South Devon. You are guaranteed a warm welcome and a great hash experience. We are the 'Party Hash' and we run from pubs all over Torbay, Dartmoor and the Teign Valley every Monday evening at 7.15pm. Our trails are marked with flour, chalk or sawdust and take in woodland, streams, byways, bridle paths and rolling countryside. We cater for all abilities, you needn't worry about keeping up, a leisurely walk with others or a good paced run if you're fit - you choose. The run duration is anything from 30 minutes to an hour and the distance is normally between 3-6 miles depending on whether you decide to take a short or long trail. Your first run is free, so come along and give it a go! After the run hashers enjoy a drink and food in the pub. On many occasions, the pub will lay on a 'Hash Menu', food specially for hashers.


Starts soon after 7:15 pm each Monday.
The Grandmaster will gather the hash together in a circle and welcome Virgins & Visitors to TVH3 and inform the group of pertinent news or upcoming events.
Hares will announce details or the trail, number of long and short splits and regroups.

Down-Downs - sometimes at the circle but usually in the pub after the run. Hashers and harriets (lady hashers) have a half pint and under age hashers have a soft drink or water. If you are driving, just ask the RA for water.

A Down-Down is a means of punishing, rewarding, or merely recognizing an individual for any action or behavior. Once awarded, the downdown must be drunk without pause, otherwise the RA may take action!

Individuals may be recognized for outstanding service, or for their status as a visitor or newcomer.

Down-Downs also serve as punishment for misdemeanours real, imagined, or blatantly made up.

Such transgressions may include: wearing new shoes, pointing with a finger, or the use of real names rather than hash names.

Hash Names

The use of real names (nerd name) during an event is discouraged, and members are typically given a new "hash name," usually in deference to a particularly notorious escapade, a personality trait, or their physical appearance.

Members are named after attending the hash on several occasions or if something noteworthy occurs to prompt a naming.

Other hashers may share stories or observations about the individual, with the final name being chosen by general consensus from all suggestions put forward by the hash.

Completely new to hashing? Don't know what to expect? Worried, shy or nervous? You needn't be as all newcomers or virgins as they are known, will receive a warm welcome. When the hashers are called to make a circle - about 7:15 pm each Monday, the Grand Master will welcome all hashers and after various notices about forthcoming events etc are dealt with, he will ask if there are any visitors from other hashes or virgins present. You will be asked to come forward and be introduced to the hash. A tip to remember, don't wear new trainers as these are frowned upon by the RA (Religious Advisor) and will incur a sprinkling of flour over them. That's all there is to it and you can then step back and enjoy the run and the social get together after in the On Down (the pub). Whatever your pace, there are certain to be others who will keep you company along the trail. Walk, jog or run - it's up to you.
Hashing is all about making friends and having fun, so just turn up any Monday and have a go.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018


Mon 25th June #1748 The Old Manor, Preston, Paignton with Hare Bobbiball, ably assisted by Wigwam and not so much by Bluebird.
Advertised late in the day as Bobbiball & Friends with a 'bring your cozzies and mayhap grab a prize' theme, it soon became apparent at the circle that the friends were notorious cronies Wigwam and BB and some got that sinking feeling even before encountering the sea dip.
But Shirley, I am a tad premature with my recounting of the evening's merriment and inevitable disasters along the way, so let us return to the beginning, dearly beloved...
Bobby had planned it all down to the last detail, this was going to be his 'Grand Hash Design' and perhaps return him to the glory days (long past) of Best Hash - sigh. The extravaganza was going to have everything and more: A scenic stroll through the woods; a viewpoint to die for; the de rigueur sweetie stop; and culminating in the grand finale of a beach beer and nibbles stop AND prizes up for offer dip.
Oh Bobby! It looked so good on paper and the pub grub menu had also been arranged with Bob pleading (insanity) for Hash funds to finance the enterprise.
Cometh the hour, came the car park carnage with latecomers and the World Cup crowd all vying for a place. Manpig quite plainly failed to have a day off by attempting to drive into the congested mayhem of the car park in his massive conveyance at 7:20pm ! White van man U Bend with passenger Piddler refused to take no for an answer and created a space at the entrance albeit by reversing into the pub sign - ah well, nice try boys.
Amidst the confusion, GM Piltdown valiantly attempted to muster the circle with the not so musical background noise of boy racers gunning back and forth in the road outside.
Thirty two was the roll call and eventually they somewhat reluctantly headed on out for the much vaunted semi-epic.
The first check - immediately to the right from the pub - baffled the pack who believed they must be heading for the coast and not up into the concrete clad conurbations of Shorton valley.
The pioneer longs of Beefy, Fukarwe and Wide, cautiously and suspiciously advanced, still unsure of the direction they were heading; the climb into Shorton woods eventually reassuring them that they were not on a falsie.
The lynchpin of the trail was at the summit of these woods and the left turn down into Occombe Valley woods where the hash would be entertained with many a twist and turn before returning to the same place. Wigwam had been taxed with changing the arrow after the hash had rolled through.
However, the heat of battle (and carrying a backpack with a wetsuit etc) changed the game plan.
Wigwam took the news quite well and played the white man in spades, covering both trails and SS while Bobby headed for the beer stop at Hollicombe.
Back at the ranch, the shorts began appearing (Slobbadog had already been directed down but had returned a few minutes later) and began enquiring what exactly lay ahead as they were still apparently heading inland and the promise of the dip ever receding. 'I could not tell a lie' related the renegade hare at the disciplinary hearing at the bar afterwards - the result being that, given the choice, many of the shorts decided that they would forego the luxury offer of the tour de woods and head directly for the beer stop on Hollicombe sands.
I was feeling very guilty indeed as I wended my way back with the grateful shorts past that incredible view of Torbay and even the 'You're my hero, BB!' quote from AS didn't allay my trepidation as to what Bobby and Wigs would say at the post mortem.
As we crunched along the beach (was going to edge out Shitfaced in a sprint for the beer until he tugged at my shirt but promptly tripped over a rock! Ha!), the beer and nibbles stop was well underway with Bobby and Teapot dishing out the alcoholic beverages. The hashers, longs and shorts, arrived more or less at the same time and I didn't feel quite so bad with the added plus that Bobby and Wigwam didn't bear a grudge.
The company was great and the swim was welcome reward for the efforts put in. On our way back to the pub, I rescued a damsel destined for the dust cart and persuaded her to accompany me to the bar for a drink. The landlord took one look at my dainty companion and despite my protestation that she was quite 'armless' exclaimed: 'I can't serve her, she's clearly off her head and nearly legless!' No? Well please yourselves then.
The 1748 Trail Awards went to:
BLUEBIRD his 600 Runs badge at last!! but he wants to
share this with his partner
SHIT-FACED who made the biggest splash into the sea!
U-BEND for very carefully reversing his van into the pub sign.
SLIP on ME dug deep to find her lost flip flop on in the sand.
The Old Manor Inn landlord and staff were obliging, the fare on offer more than adequate and on the occasion of possibly my last ever run badge, I can quite simply say that I had a lovely time. Thank you Bobby and Wigwam for making it so....
ON ON to next week and Hollwell Farm, Hollwell Down, Dartmoor. OD Rugglestone Inn (Pisswell)


It would be appreciated if those hashers that pay £1 a week when they attend rather than the £30 a year subscription could bring their one pound to the circle and pay Pisswell before the run. It is not much fun for her to chase hashers in the pub for payment. Many thanks for your cooperation. 🙂


Grand Master Shitfaced mobile 07973 682201
Vice G M U Bend
On Sec Piltdown Man mobile 07773038756
R A Organiser Teapot
R A Manpig
R A Forrest Stump
R A Fallen Woman
Hash Cash Threesome
Hash Tax Pisswell
Trail Raiser Smellie
Haberdashery Zoot
Song Master Pork Torpedo
Social Sec Wet Johnny
Web /Web Master Bluebird


This years membership, which is due now is £30 Alternatively, you can pay £1 per week when attending. Samantha Zimbler Hash cash Threesum. On line payments Account name: TEIGN VALLEY HASH House Harriers Sort Code: 55-70-01 Account number: 69068186 Reference: your hash name




GREATHASHGOD: A dedicated site (presently mothballed and serves as archive content only) with all TVH3 content. Mostly photos from each Monday's hash but also some video clips. Named after our Life President Pottsie.

PRECONDEROTOUS: Containing the entire archive of TVH3 of some 1000 vid clips and over 5000 posts and photos. Started on November 11th 2007, the site is active with Bluebird's personal content but the archive content is fascinating and preserved, well worth a look.























Previously unreleased clip - Vicky's naming from the Sea Trout