Run #1812 from Venford Reservoir, OD Forest Inn at Hexworthy with Pisswell
Appropriately, Run #1812 lived up to its classic billing with an exciting and eventful trail set by 'She Who Dares' hare Pisswell. We had a SS drama; lost and wailing hashers; the long cutting FRBs; a budding Jungle Buster; a Rubbers For Rent naming and the hasher who could see in the dark...
Well, I nearly decided not to make the journey out to Venford Resrvoir on Monday evening. I pored over the map and though I had made that trip several times before, it now seemed an awful long way to go. But then Winfield informed me that it would be Flasher and Runner Bean's last hash before decanting north to Uni, so being of a timid nature, I set off at about 5:30pm to ensure I could find the location way out in the boondocks.
An hour later, I was still unsure if I was on the right route until suddenly a becaped GaGa4It appeared by the side of the road - I had Shirley arrived.
As the chariots dribbled into the compact car park, the moor mist and drizzle descended and the high seventies Sunday temperatures faded from memory as it turned a tad chilly.
As the chariots dribbled into the compact car park, the moor mist and drizzle descended and the high seventies Sunday temperatures faded from memory as it turned a tad chilly.
Teapot declared a total of thirty seven at the circle although forty could be plainly seen, causing Teapot to rethink the attendance. Archangel was the last to make the circle though Paraprick and Coldtits arrived after the 'off'. Noticed Ernie from Tamar H and Only Here for the Beer back after MIA for a few weeks. Most unusually, there was no Beefy and we kept looking at the entrance thinking he would arrive late.
Another cam failure, so from memory alone: Pisswell, Teapot, Winfield, 3Sum, SatNav, T Humper, I-Poo'd, Getting Wet, Never Wet, GM, Archangel, Zoot, Hotlips, Rambo, Doris, Runner Bean, Flasher, Artful Dogger, Triple Jump, Gaga4It, Libby, Footloose, Jackie, Wet Johnny, Manapause, Erection, Bobby, Wigwam, Manpig, Ernie, Dan, Holly, Only Here, SM Ellie, Piltdown, Fishbait, Small Fry, Coldtits, Paraprick, BB,
The FRBs had to be called back on trail after less than a hundred yards by the hare and up through the bracken we trekked.
There was a marked difference of opinion when Flasher & Co. ploughed on towards the summit whilst Manpig veered off in the opposite direction back down the hill at a tangent.
The initial reaction to Flasher & Co's deviation was that they were short-cutting but it was in fact the opposite - the half mile detour left them way adrift of the action and it was remarkable that they were able to get ahead once more without passing Manpig's Marauders.
Confusion HHH reigned for several minutes as hashers appeared from all directions to swell our ranks. There was Ernie (who drove the fastest...), Dan & Holly plus Ned with Archangel, Wigwam, SM Ellie and Erection: 'Have you seen Manapause?' We eventually found ourselves back at the car park and attempting catch-up with the shorts who had stolen quite a march on us. Teapot could be heard belligerently blowing his horn further down the valley but there were reports of him going astray later on - a hasher like him, who would have thought it?
Gloomy it got as we surged past the shorts and the call was sounded: 'Flame on!' and the lumens were engaged down the line. Again and again, the shorts and walkers were encountered and encouraging banter was exchanged. Yes, cunning indeed the hare proved to be in keeping the pack together.
Hard to believe that a hasher could get round the tortuous and rough trail with no head torch but Artful Dogger did just that and was still much quicker than yours truly - oh well, that's showbiz for you.
It's not always about the derring-do of the FRBs and stalwart longs and mention must be made of young (10 years) Finlay aka Small Fry - which seemed a good idea at his naming not too long ago.*
Reportedly: 'He performed heroics, far outstripping his years following Wigwam where even his dog Mollie was reticent to go. Down the side of the valley with no trail at all to guide; through bracken, over fallen moss covered trees and over veritable leaps in the dark. A real Jungle Buster he was. It may not be an inappropriate renaming in fact'.
The SS in the back of Pisswell's cheery chariot loom-ed at the reservoir bridge and Pisswell arrived to dispense the sugar. Vainly did Runner Bean attempt to relieve himself of the bowl of goodies but as the Lonnie Donegan ditty goes: He was L-U-M-B-E-R-E-D....sigh
A minor inconvenience on leaving the SS was a miniature gum getting stuck in my throat. Feeling death approaching, I slowed and asked for assistance. Wet Johnny gave a vigorous slap on the back and the gum was propelled out onto the road. Lucky for me but perhaps unlucky for the hash...
The culmination of the trail après SS was the de rigueur lap of the lake by shorts and longs - both completing their respective tour in opposite directions. Sergeant Wilson: 'But do you think that's wise, Captain Mainwaring?' But of course it was - two madding groups recklessly rushing towards each other with, as Hotlips mentioned as he approached in the opposite direction - headlamps blinding the others. HA!
The FRBs had to be called back on trail after less than a hundred yards by the hare and up through the bracken we trekked.
There was a marked difference of opinion when Flasher & Co. ploughed on towards the summit whilst Manpig veered off in the opposite direction back down the hill at a tangent.
The initial reaction to Flasher & Co's deviation was that they were short-cutting but it was in fact the opposite - the half mile detour left them way adrift of the action and it was remarkable that they were able to get ahead once more without passing Manpig's Marauders.
Confusion HHH reigned for several minutes as hashers appeared from all directions to swell our ranks. There was Ernie (who drove the fastest...), Dan & Holly plus Ned with Archangel, Wigwam, SM Ellie and Erection: 'Have you seen Manapause?' We eventually found ourselves back at the car park and attempting catch-up with the shorts who had stolen quite a march on us. Teapot could be heard belligerently blowing his horn further down the valley but there were reports of him going astray later on - a hasher like him, who would have thought it?
Gloomy it got as we surged past the shorts and the call was sounded: 'Flame on!' and the lumens were engaged down the line. Again and again, the shorts and walkers were encountered and encouraging banter was exchanged. Yes, cunning indeed the hare proved to be in keeping the pack together.
Hard to believe that a hasher could get round the tortuous and rough trail with no head torch but Artful Dogger did just that and was still much quicker than yours truly - oh well, that's showbiz for you.
It's not always about the derring-do of the FRBs and stalwart longs and mention must be made of young (10 years) Finlay aka Small Fry - which seemed a good idea at his naming not too long ago.*
Reportedly: 'He performed heroics, far outstripping his years following Wigwam where even his dog Mollie was reticent to go. Down the side of the valley with no trail at all to guide; through bracken, over fallen moss covered trees and over veritable leaps in the dark. A real Jungle Buster he was. It may not be an inappropriate renaming in fact'.
The SS in the back of Pisswell's cheery chariot loom-ed at the reservoir bridge and Pisswell arrived to dispense the sugar. Vainly did Runner Bean attempt to relieve himself of the bowl of goodies but as the Lonnie Donegan ditty goes: He was L-U-M-B-E-R-E-D....sigh
A minor inconvenience on leaving the SS was a miniature gum getting stuck in my throat. Feeling death approaching, I slowed and asked for assistance. Wet Johnny gave a vigorous slap on the back and the gum was propelled out onto the road. Lucky for me but perhaps unlucky for the hash...
The culmination of the trail après SS was the de rigueur lap of the lake by shorts and longs - both completing their respective tour in opposite directions. Sergeant Wilson: 'But do you think that's wise, Captain Mainwaring?' But of course it was - two madding groups recklessly rushing towards each other with, as Hotlips mentioned as he approached in the opposite direction - headlamps blinding the others. HA!
From the reservoir to the Forest Inn was a journey deep, deep into the uncharted wilds of the moor. Entering the bar and Coldtits had it down to a tee - last onto the trail and first to the bar, that's how it's done. Dave and Shirley (yes, Shirley she was called Shirley) were fine hosts and the Forest Inn was snug and cosy providing TVH with a perfect platform for the DDs. The Leg End at £3:60 sealed the deal.
Forrest RA'd at the Forest and a great time was had by all. BRAVO Pisswell and all the 1812 players!
Forrest RA'd at the Forest and a great time was had by all. BRAVO Pisswell and all the 1812 players!
* Run #1791 22nd April from Newton's Free House
A great turnout up on the high Moor, with the first test for the Short! How to get across Venford Brook with dry shoes! some tried stepping stones only top slip in! others hung on branches, some climbed trees but no matter which everyone had wet feet!
On we trekked and climbed our way following some sparse marks through the Nature Reserve and White Wood in the fast gathering darkness.Thank goodness we all had torches Finally a steep climb led us to Bench Tor.
Next a downhill run through ancient Homesteads to Pisswell's Sweet stop, followed by a final loop around the Reservoir Shorts on the left Longs passing on the right!
There was some confusion on trail but most did make it eventually!! to The Forest Inn, for food and good beers, except for some, one those being Teapot who normally never strays very far from that car!
We may see him by next week!
Well done Pisswell a great trail and venue!
1812 Trail Awards were presented to...
Flasher and Runner Bean receive their well deserved DDs before heading north to Uni...see you soon!
Wet Johnny chastised by Forrest for saving a choking Bluebird!
Coldtitz a DD for NOT getting lost this time!
Jackie now named Rubbers for Rent after the brook crossing.
Pisswell Our thanks for a great lone trail, still juggling with hat beer and dog!
Forrest Stump who nominated himself Hash Hero again?
Leaving the pub, I turned left out of the entrance and after the security light went out, was plunged into darkness and I got disorientated. I searched in vain for my chariot but everything looked strange. I must have plunged into the Twilight Zone. Several minutes later, I realised that I had gone out the front entrance whereas I had entered from the back! Feeling rather foolish I turned right around the building and there was my chariot. I don't think I will be allowed out on my own much longer...
Flasher and Runner Bean receive their well deserved DDs before heading north to Uni...see you soon!
Wet Johnny chastised by Forrest for saving a choking Bluebird!
Coldtitz a DD for NOT getting lost this time!
Jackie now named Rubbers for Rent after the brook crossing.
Pisswell Our thanks for a great lone trail, still juggling with hat beer and dog!
Forrest Stump who nominated himself Hash Hero again?
Leaving the pub, I turned left out of the entrance and after the security light went out, was plunged into darkness and I got disorientated. I searched in vain for my chariot but everything looked strange. I must have plunged into the Twilight Zone. Several minutes later, I realised that I had gone out the front entrance whereas I had entered from the back! Feeling rather foolish I turned right around the building and there was my chariot. I don't think I will be allowed out on my own much longer...