Welcome to the Teign Valley Hash House Harriers of glorious South Devon. You are guaranteed a warm welcome and a great hash experience. We are the 'Party Hash' and we run from pubs all over Torbay, Dartmoor and the Teign Valley every Monday evening at 7.15pm. Our trails are marked with flour, chalk or sawdust and take in woodland, streams, byways, bridle paths and rolling countryside. We cater for all abilities, you needn't worry about keeping up, a leisurely walk with others or a good paced run if you're fit - you choose. The run duration is anything from 30 minutes to an hour and the distance is normally between 3-6 miles depending on whether you decide to take a short or long trail. Your first run is free, so come along and give it a go! After the run hashers enjoy a drink and food in the pub. On many occasions, the pub will lay on a 'Hash Menu', food specially for hashers.


Starts soon after 7:15 pm each Monday.
The Grandmaster will gather the hash together in a circle and welcome Virgins & Visitors to TVH3 and inform the group of pertinent news or upcoming events.
Hares will announce details or the trail, number of long and short splits and regroups.

Down-Downs - sometimes at the circle but usually in the pub after the run. Hashers and harriets (lady hashers) have a half pint and under age hashers have a soft drink or water. If you are driving, just ask the RA for water.

A Down-Down is a means of punishing, rewarding, or merely recognizing an individual for any action or behavior. Once awarded, the downdown must be drunk without pause, otherwise the RA may take action!

Individuals may be recognized for outstanding service, or for their status as a visitor or newcomer.

Down-Downs also serve as punishment for misdemeanours real, imagined, or blatantly made up.

Such transgressions may include: wearing new shoes, pointing with a finger, or the use of real names rather than hash names.

Hash Names

The use of real names (nerd name) during an event is discouraged, and members are typically given a new "hash name," usually in deference to a particularly notorious escapade, a personality trait, or their physical appearance.

Members are named after attending the hash on several occasions or if something noteworthy occurs to prompt a naming.

Other hashers may share stories or observations about the individual, with the final name being chosen by general consensus from all suggestions put forward by the hash.

Completely new to hashing? Don't know what to expect? Worried, shy or nervous? You needn't be as all newcomers or virgins as they are known, will receive a warm welcome. When the hashers are called to make a circle - about 7:15 pm each Monday, the Grand Master will welcome all hashers and after various notices about forthcoming events etc are dealt with, he will ask if there are any visitors from other hashes or virgins present. You will be asked to come forward and be introduced to the hash. A tip to remember, don't wear new trainers as these are frowned upon by the RA (Religious Advisor) and will incur a sprinkling of flour over them. That's all there is to it and you can then step back and enjoy the run and the social get together after in the On Down (the pub). Whatever your pace, there are certain to be others who will keep you company along the trail. Walk, jog or run - it's up to you.
Hashing is all about making friends and having fun, so just turn up any Monday and have a go.

Sunday 28 April 2024

TVH3 The Words for 22nd April 2024

The Rugglestone, Widecombe-in-the Moor

Run No. 2017 St. George's Day Run
HARE: Beefy
Who wuz there: Beefy, Shitfaced, Man-Pig, Forrest-Stump, Piltdown Man, Georgy Porgy, Shay, Warmfront, Psycho, Beeflicker, Squeaky Bum, Strap-On, Strap Dancer, Fukarewe, Ernie, Melonpicker, Slip-on-Me, Coldtits, Only Here for the Beer, Wet Johnny, Manopause Magnifico, Erection and returnee Amy.
Fortunately, Beefy's FB warnings of a 30% chance of rain didn't come to fruition. But with numbers down to 2, perhaps some Hashers did, indeed, take due cogniscence of the declining weather conditions.
The Hare was clearly not one for heeding his own advice as he ran into the car park with shorts and a singlet on. It might not have been raining but it was cool and breezy; as evidenced by a number of Hashers running on the spot in order to keep warm.
Being a St George's Day hash, some had made quite an effort to dress for the occasion. Beeflicker came as a knight crusader and Slip-on-Me and her mutt both came as dragons. Others wore red and/or white. There were quite a few England football tops, Psycho and the Penners. Others, including Coldtits, saved their St George's Day outfits for the pub.
In the absence of Smellie ,(poorly) notices were brief. Man-Pig advised that he had spoken to Broken Man at last week's Hash and Broken Man had mentioned that the Queens in Brixham would be arranging a celebration of Fallen Woman's life at some stage in the near future. 
Additionally, all funds raised would go to Fallen Woman and Broken Man's preferred mental health charity. Man-Pig also put in a plug for the Devon A2B on Saturday 1st June. South Hams Hash have planned to do a trail in Fallen Woman's memory. 
SH4 have arranged to combine their memorial run with June's Devon A2B trail. They are expecting quite a large turnout so there will be a Walkers' trail that will take in a number of pubs in Brixham. The Shorts and the Longs will have to travel a little further afield to earn their beers. As is always the case with the A2B, we do not know where Point B will be. However, there is always the possibility that the run may coincide with the Queen's Hotel (Station Road, Brixham) memorial event.
Slip-on-Me had an announcement regarding Teapot. She had been speaking with Ablesemen who has visited Teapot at home. Teapot is making slow progress but he is going in the right direction. Let's hope that progress continues.
Over to the Hare. I think the distances were Walkers' 1.5 (possible shorter for Shitfaced and Only here for the Beer), Shorts' 3.5 and Longs' 4.5.
"It's On over there", shouts Beefy pointing due South towards Wind Tor.
The trail did not commence from the Rugglestone car park. Instead we started from a small car park on the Two Moors Way on Dunstone Down. This is on the high moor about a mile from the pub. The views were outstanding and enjoyed by all, in spite of the refreshing breeze.
The trail commenced with all three trails heading towards Wind Tor (the clue's in the name) and the first Long/Short split that I don't think was a split at all. Just a small loop around the Tor for the Longs and the Shorts and then a continuation south and across Bittleford Down. A single narrow open road crosses Bittleford Down and this was the point at which the Walkers' trail parted company with the Longs and the Shorts.
The Walkers now headed west on road to the sweetie stop. Meanwhile, the Longs and the Shorts dropped down onto the road between Widecombe and Ponsworthy and then headed towards Bittleford.
At this point, it was the usual story. FRB's comprised Beeflicker, the Topiary Twins, Shay and the recovered Wet Johnny. Midfield was Man-Pig followed by Amy, Fukarewe and Ernie. 
At Bittleford, a check had Beeflicker climbing over a wall marked with a promising Public Footpath sign. He wasn't gone long before he came across a cross...so to speak.
The trail now took us onto the crossroads at Lizwell before turning right and down to the tiny and incredibly picturesque conurbation of Jordan, passing Waterleat Farm and Old Walls on our left.
From here, we climbed up towards Dockwell. At the crossroads, we caught up with Coldtits on the Walker's trail. The trail dropped through Dockwell before an arrow directed us along another public footpath into a copse. Here the Long's caught up with Erection and Manopause. They were looking perplexed, and with good reason. They had found an arrow that had pointed them directly towards a Ha Ha. 
We eventually concluded that we needed to backtrack against two arrows and back onto the road. Sure enough, the sweetie stop was just over the brow of the hill.
Beefy has many talents, steam train driver, welder and, on this occasion, baker. Beefy had baked some excellent flapjacks; each resplendent with St George's cross icing. Apparently made with both butter and clotted cream. They were yummy.
A few yards further on was the final Long & Short/Walkers' split. 
The Walkers continued directly back to the car park along Two Moors Way. The Longs and Shorts veered left and across the moor roughly towards Rowden Cross before looping back to the car park from the opposite direction from whence we departed some 60 minutes earlier.
Not quite 8.30 and 4.74 scenic miles and all in daylight. Another lovely Beefy trail matched by some awesome flapjacks.
Forrest-Stump assumed RA'ing duties and asked who had (or, more accurately, who had forgotten) their awards from last week. The current custodian of the Hashshit shirt is Fukarewe. He has a story but no shirt as he has forgotten to bring it. There are no rules in the Hash so he has a story from last week. 
Towards the end of last week's trail, Fukarewe and Ernie passed a farm from which there emanated the sounds of a lot of rather excited animals. What had prompted their arousal. Just at that point Coldtits emerges from the direction of the farm adjusting her drawers. A note for "The sex pest 4".
Now it is Coldtits' turn to dish out the dirt as she has the Union Jack stove pipe hat from last week. This she simply awards to the hare for another lovely trail....and justly deserved. A note for the scantily dressed one!
"Does anyone else have an award?"
Yes and no. Beeflicker has an award from 2 weeks ago, the titty apron, but he has forgotten it. But he does have a story but I can't remember it. I think that we then moved onto the award of a run badge.
"Who has attained the milestone of 600 runs? It is Piltdown Man. He despatches his half at his usual leisurely pace accompanied, inevitably, by "Get a life, life, life.....".
Then it is the award for the best St George's Day fancy dress. The vote went to the floor and Beeflicker received the loudest cheer for coming as a knight crusader. He was awarded a half pint of beer but was driving. Hence he nominated Slip-on-Me. Unfortunately for Ernie, he was overheard to say, "She won't have any trouble downing that!". How unchivalrous. As a result, as soon as Slip-on-Me had finished her half, Ernie gets the last half. A note for the unchivalrous one.
Finally, a quick thank you to Beefy for paying for the Down-Downs.
Next week
Next week's Hash is from The Union Inn, Plainmoor, Torquay. We have not run from there before so this will be a novelty. I also have some doubts as to whether it has a car park (it doesn't) so park where you can. There may be food available, update later. 
Our Hares are the Demon duo of Dastardly and Muttley (the Bird and the Pig). 
On-On to next week. MP

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It would be appreciated if those hashers that pay £1 a week when they attend rather than the £30 a year subscription could bring their one pound to the circle and pay Pisswell before the run. It is not much fun for her to chase hashers in the pub for payment. Many thanks for your cooperation. 🙂


Grand Master Shitfaced mobile 07973 682201
Vice G M U Bend
On Sec Piltdown Man mobile 07773038756
R A Organiser Teapot
R A Manpig
R A Forrest Stump
R A Fallen Woman
Hash Cash Threesome
Hash Tax Pisswell
Trail Raiser Smellie
Haberdashery Zoot
Song Master Pork Torpedo
Social Sec Wet Johnny
Web /Web Master Bluebird


This years membership, which is due now is £30 Alternatively, you can pay £1 per week when attending. Samantha Zimbler Hash cash Threesum. On line payments Account name: TEIGN VALLEY HASH House Harriers Sort Code: 55-70-01 Account number: 69068186 Reference: your hash name




GREATHASHGOD: A dedicated site (presently mothballed and serves as archive content only) with all TVH3 content. Mostly photos from each Monday's hash but also some video clips. Named after our Life President Pottsie.

PRECONDEROTOUS: Containing the entire archive of TVH3 of some 1000 vid clips and over 5000 posts and photos. Started on November 11th 2007, the site is active with Bluebird's personal content but the archive content is fascinating and preserved, well worth a look.























Previously unreleased clip - Vicky's naming from the Sea Trout