The Dolphin, Bovey Tracey
Run No. 2028 - Wet, wet, wet
HARE: Poacher
never seen a stranger crowd: Poacher, Shitfaced, Man-Pig,
Forrest-Stump, Perry, Beefy, Pisswell, Piltdown Man, Georgy Porgy,
Smellie, Beeflicker, Wetfart, Ablesemen, Slip-on-Me, Ernie, Wet Johnny,
Manopause Magnifico, Pork Torpedo, Horny, Soapy, Palmolive, Miss'Ing,
Smash, Charlotte, Justin with Dylan, returnee Runner Bean and virgin
Johnny Walker....yes, his real name!
What a difference a week makes! Last week we had sun, sun and
glorious sun. This week was wet wet wet. Last week we had a
Conservative government. This week we have a Labour government. This
week we will have our third scribe in three weeks. Albeit, the current
incumbent is seriously considering resigning his commission given the
excellence of Beefy's words from a fortnight ago.
some things don't change. This week's words will be devoid of, "I
wandered lonely as a cloud....." (Wordsworth/Gabriel) as we return to
the dreary prose of the old and wizened scribe. Another thing that
hasn't changed this week is the Hare. Poacher is back for his second
trail in a week. Well done sir. I salute you.
rather damp Shitfaced (had he been co-haring?) welcomed twent six
(soon to be just as damp) hashers into the Circle. This included
returnee Runner Bean, looking leaner and fitter than ever, and a virgin
by the name of Johnny Walker....honest guv!
came forward and gave the Wet Johnny doppelgänger a sprinkling of
flour whilst Johnny Walker explained that Pisswell had made him cum.
" you have any comments on this?"
"Yes. I can't work my camera with this splint on my arm!"
is OK for Hares up to 4th November. I think that Forrest might want
to pencil himself in for fireworks' permitting.
The weather. It is Wimbledon fortnight and once again the great
British summer has lived up to its reputation. Namely wet. On the
upside, I don't think that there's any fear of a hosepipe ban this
has an update on Teapot. He continues to make progress but at a
painfully slow pace. But progress of any sort is to be welcomed. May
the recovery continue.
So, over to the Hare for the briefest of descriptions of the trail.
"You're going to get muddy. Out the gate!"
enough. At the entrance to the Dolphin's car park an arrow had the
pack running up to the fire station roundabout before following another
arrow up towards Moretonhampstead.
before reaching Moretonhampstead, we came to our first check. The
obvious route was across the A382 and onto the Dartmoor Way - a disused
railway track which now forms a part of Devon's cycling network. Wet
Johnny, Manopause and Runner Bean checked out in this direction whilst
the Hare remained suspiciously static at the check.
back", cries Poacher as he leads the loiterers into Bovey Park and
through the underpass to access the Dartmoor Way in a rather
subterranean manner. Initially, we were on the old railway track. Then
we dropped down to the north bank of the River Bovey and the Walkers'
& Shorts'/Longs' split. Poacher had the Longs off piste and
scrambling up a slippery slope back onto the Dartmoor Way.
was pretty sure that we'd be heading up to Wilford Bridge and
returning to Parke via Blackmoor Copse and the woods to the south of
the river. This mental model settled into my mind. I knew that there
are effectively three parallel trails that could be taken between Bovey
Tracey and Wilford Bridge whilst remaining on the north side of the
river. We could follow the river bank; we could stay on the cycle
path/dismantled railway or take the top path through the woods.
trail was as cunning as a fox. We were treated to a mixture of all
three paths and I still have no idea at which point we did a U-turn.
Somehow,I found myself at the head of the pack having checked out a path
with no check whilst the rest of the pack carried on up a broad
tarmac track with Beeflicker leading the charge.
back, I am now sure that the broad tarmac track was the Dartmoor Way
and the rest of the pack were, indeed, on a fool's errand heading
towards Wilford Bridge.
I caught a glimpse of Poacher as Ernie and I climbed up some steps to
a broad gravel footpath. I thought that I was back on the old railway
line but I must have been on the higher footpath. Poacher was smiling
and standing next to a newly marked check.
went left towards what I assumed was Wilford Bridge. Ernie checked to
the right. I found myself on trail and eventually caught up with
Forrest-Stump at the final Long/Short split. This was a short loop and
the next thing I know I am at Park Bridge.
now, the rest of the Longs have caught up and, after an absence of
marks for a couple of hundred yards, we are back on trail in the Parke
car to speak. It is now On-Home and to a welcome change
into some dry clothes.
Thankyou Poacher. Another great trail in pretty appalling conditions.
tuck into some beers and some scoff prior to engaging in the
Down-Downs. This was just as well as we had some late back from the
first late arrival was a very wet Smellie. She had got off trail and
done her own thing. Next in was Shitfaced. At least he had got changed
and was dry. Shortly thereafter, another wet late entry,
She too had got lost and done her own thing. Finally, a half dressed
Wetfart entered the pub just before the Down-Downs. I am assuming that
Miss'ing was back too but she is more of runner rather than a
drinker and usually prefers to pass on the pub. So all back safely and
the DD's can begin.
from his hols the Pig RA's. The first DD goes to super-Hare, Poacher.
It is, of course, a cider. Pork Torpedo is with us so Poacher's DD is
accompanied by, "He's the meanest.....".
"Are there any awards?" Pisswell has been running around with the
Hashshit shirt on. It is soaking wet and it is cold. But it has been a puddle.
is a story about splashing on trail but who is the guilty party?
Wet-Johnny is identified by name but at a police line-up the Hash fails
to distinguish between the real Wet-Johnny and the interloper Perkin
Walbeck who now enjoys going by the name of Johnny Walker.
quick check of the decibel-meter reveals a draw. The DD goes to
Wet-Johnny's slightly taller twin to the accompaniment of the
Songmeister. A quick tap on the shoulder and our visitor, Johnny Walker,
dispatches his half in an instant.
so fast, Wet-Johnny. "Will the real splasher please come forward?"
The real splasher gets a half of ale whilst the Songmeister comes up
with, "You're stupid. You're stupid....."
"Are there any more stories?"
A story of selfless chivalry and innovation on the Hash. Someone has
completed the Walkers' trail and kept dry. Not only had he kept
himself dry, he had also kept his John Thomas dry when the call of
nature came knocking half way through the trail.
Man had his brolly up all the way around the trail. For most of the
trail, he did his best to share his shelter with two Harriets,
Ablesemen and Georgy Porgy. But, now Mr Tadger takes precedence. The
Harriets were abandoned whilst the pocket python was given a quick
watering. "Why was he born so beautiful......"
is only a half pint of water left. There are no stories but there is
an item of lost property to be retuned to its owner. This time it is
quite easy to identify the owner as this particular item of lost
property has the owner's name on it. Not only that, it also records
his official title bestowed on him by the King himself in the New Year
Honours List. It is "Pillock of the Year 2023". It is a hat and it is
sitting on Man-Pig's head.
forgetful one takes one look at the half pint of water and makes a
bee-line to the bar to get himself a pint before the ignominy of his
identity is revealed to all those gathered.
in time, Forrest gets his own Down Down (a full pint - no less) and
dispatches it PDQ, once again to the accompaniment of the Songmeister.
Next week
week's Hash is from The Devon Dumpling, Torquay. Our Hares are Pork
torpedo and Horny. The pub is offering curries, both meat and a
vegetarian options at £7/head. You can order on the night and the pub
will be making a big pot of each.
On-On to next week. MP.
Poacher couldn't recall if he'd arranged any Down-Downs with the pub.
We asked the barman and he said that he didn't know anything about
We explained the tradition behind the Down-Downs and he said that he would ask the pub Landlady.
Some considerable time later, we got the Landlady's response: "We don't do that anymore".
Oh dear. What a shame.
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