Welcome to the Teign Valley Hash House Harriers of glorious South Devon. You are guaranteed a warm welcome and a great hash experience. We are the 'Party Hash' and we run from pubs all over Torbay, Dartmoor and the Teign Valley every Monday evening at 7.15pm. Our trails are marked with flour, chalk or sawdust and take in woodland, streams, byways, bridle paths and rolling countryside. We cater for all abilities, you needn't worry about keeping up, a leisurely walk with others or a good paced run if you're fit - you choose. The run duration is anything from 30 minutes to an hour and the distance is normally between 3-6 miles depending on whether you decide to take a short or long trail. Your first run is free, so come along and give it a go! After the run hashers enjoy a drink and food in the pub. On many occasions, the pub will lay on a 'Hash Menu', food specially for hashers.


Starts soon after 7:15 pm each Monday.
The Grandmaster will gather the hash together in a circle and welcome Virgins & Visitors to TVH3 and inform the group of pertinent news or upcoming events.
Hares will announce details or the trail, number of long and short splits and regroups.

Down-Downs - sometimes at the circle but usually in the pub after the run. Hashers and harriets (lady hashers) have a half pint and under age hashers have a soft drink or water. If you are driving, just ask the RA for water.

A Down-Down is a means of punishing, rewarding, or merely recognizing an individual for any action or behavior. Once awarded, the downdown must be drunk without pause, otherwise the RA may take action!

Individuals may be recognized for outstanding service, or for their status as a visitor or newcomer.

Down-Downs also serve as punishment for misdemeanours real, imagined, or blatantly made up.

Such transgressions may include: wearing new shoes, pointing with a finger, or the use of real names rather than hash names.

Hash Names

The use of real names (nerd name) during an event is discouraged, and members are typically given a new "hash name," usually in deference to a particularly notorious escapade, a personality trait, or their physical appearance.

Members are named after attending the hash on several occasions or if something noteworthy occurs to prompt a naming.

Other hashers may share stories or observations about the individual, with the final name being chosen by general consensus from all suggestions put forward by the hash.

Completely new to hashing? Don't know what to expect? Worried, shy or nervous? You needn't be as all newcomers or virgins as they are known, will receive a warm welcome. When the hashers are called to make a circle - about 7:15 pm each Monday, the Grand Master will welcome all hashers and after various notices about forthcoming events etc are dealt with, he will ask if there are any visitors from other hashes or virgins present. You will be asked to come forward and be introduced to the hash. A tip to remember, don't wear new trainers as these are frowned upon by the RA (Religious Advisor) and will incur a sprinkling of flour over them. That's all there is to it and you can then step back and enjoy the run and the social get together after in the On Down (the pub). Whatever your pace, there are certain to be others who will keep you company along the trail. Walk, jog or run - it's up to you.
Hashing is all about making friends and having fun, so just turn up any Monday and have a go.

Friday, 10 January 2025

TVH3 The Words for 6th January 2025

The Castle Inn, Stoke-Gabriel

Run No. 2057 "The Magnificent Seven + 2"
HARE: Poacher
Who wuz there: Poacher, Man-Pig, Piltdown Man, Georgy Porgy, Smellie, Beeflicker, Smash, Miss Mash & Ernie
The Hash can be a fickle animal. This is frequently reflected in the first Hash of the year. At one extreme, Hashers make a New Years' resolution to do more Hashes. They turn up at the first Hash of the year never to be seen again for 12 months! 
At the other extreme, post Christmas blues, cold weather and apathy combine for a low turn out. One can never forecast which way the Hash will go. As an exemplar, last Saturday's Devon A2B had a spectacular 60 runners turn up (albeit that it was a combined run with Plympton to mark their 2300th run). Compare that with last night. A paltry 9, but this at least one up on last week!
In fairness, the weather was pretty appalling; cold wet and windy. There was heavy rain and the car's thermometer registered a chilly 2 degrees outside. 
Snow on Dartmoor prevented Pisswell and Beefy from making the journey south....snowed in (Inn!?). The road works on Kings Ash Hill didn't help much either. I did feel sorry for Poacher having made the trip up from the South Hams to lay a lovely trail; the first of a trilogy of January Poacher trails for TVH3.
So, was it worth the trip? You betcha!
The briefing was, well, er, brief.
"It's muddy out there. There is a fish hook and a Ha-Ha and a couple of Long/Short splits".
The start of the run was bitterly cold. In fact, it took a good half hour to warm up. For the Walkers, Piltdown Man, Georgy Porgy, Smash and Miss Mash, they never warmed up and were more than glad for a rapid return to the pub.
The trail started by taking us left out of the pub and left again down Mill Hill and to our first check outside Mill Hill Court. The trail then took us down The Barnhay to what looked like a dead end...but wasn't. A narrow ginnel took us across the end of Church Walk and it was straight over and into what looked like an orchard.
Beeflicker was, inevitably, leading as we reached the foreshore of the Mill Pool and a left turn along a very wet footpath up to the junction of The Mill Pool and Coombe Shute and another check.
This confused everyone so Beeflicker and Man-Pig checked out Byter Mill Lane (again), a bit further this time but only to find the Ha-Ha. Back at Coombe Shute, we saw Smash and Miss Mash for the last time. The weather was bitter and I think that they'd had enough.
After some zigzagging, the Hare had us heading up Lower Broadpath and then back down Broadpath to Stoke Hill and another check. 
Beeflicker had disappeared who knows where at this stage. The Pig checked downhill only to find the check that he'd been at 3 minutes earlier. Back up to Hillfield and the first of the Long Short splits. We checked out the Hillfield cup-de-sac and found nothing. 
Upon our return to the entrance to Hillfield, we found a fresh arrow in flour. This pointed to an obscured footpath that runs between Paignton Road and Broad Path.
Ernie, Smellie and I looked at each other. It was wet and cold but, on the plus side, we were beginning to warm up. The Pig was sure that it would be a short loop and said that he'd give it a go. Ernie and Smellie agreed to join him but, only if we made it a run/walk. 
And so the trio embarked on the Long, passing some children's play equipment that was behind a hedge to our left before arriving at a gate. A barely discernible track crossed open grassland to another gate just inside the Paignton Road. An arrow then had us follow a tarmac footpath that kept us off the main road until we arrived at the edge of the village and...... a pavement!
The marks now took us along the right hand side of Paignton Road, New Road and School Road. We looked to be heading straight back to the pub. We were all looking to our right so it was with some surprise that Ernie glanced to his left to see the second Long/Short split pointing the Longs down Duncannon Lane.
This looked strangely familiar. The Bird had informed us that the last time that TVH3 had run from Stoke Gabriel was back in 2016 on a trail Hared by Wigwam. If I remember correctly, we ran through the graveyard and passed Mig Man's grave. I mentioned this to Smellie and we both reflected on our time running with Mig Man. Although it went unsaid, at that moment, we both missed Mig Man; not a sad moment. More of a "Thankyou" for having had the privilege of having shared some time with one of the great gentlemen of the Hash - kind and positive.
Dungannon Lane looked familiar. I cast my mind back to a trail that may have been laid by Woof Woof 15 years or so ago. I vaguely recalled a track across open pasture somewhere along this lane. At that moment, to our left was an opening onto open ground. 
Initially, we couldn't find any marks but, after a few yards, blobs of flour, "On-On". Through an opening in a bank, a little more open pasture and then through a metal kissing gate and into the woodland that borders the creek. More blobs of flour but it was slippery so the pace was slow.
The trio of Longs followed the footpath through the woods, catching glimpses of the Moon reflecting off the creek to our right.
"Proper Hashing this", said Ernie. "I'm enjoying this", at the same time as an overhanging brach snagged his beanie pulling it off.
Eventually, we arrive at a fairly large junction. The Pig is sure that it is left and so it is as we find our first mark but something has changed. The path here is very wide; much wider than I remember it. There is also a horizontally boarded fence to our left - apparently protecting a fairly recently planted holly hedge. We are on trail so we push on and arrive at another gate with baffling lock release system. The Pig is pulling the lever back-and-forth and from side-to-side but nothing is happening. It is only on inspection by torchlight that all becomes clear. Pull the loop vertically upwards - oh blessed release.
We traverse the molehills, up a gassed slope and onto the rather new looking driveway that is Wood House Lane. This drops onto the lower part of Mill Hill. I point Ernie and Smellie back up Mill Hill as I have left my car at the bottom of the Hill. Time for a change of clothing and a pint of ale.
And then there were five, again, that rapidly diminished to two.
Even before having returned to the pub, Smellie and I agreed that the numbers didn't warrant Down-Downs. By the time that I'd arrived at the pub, Smellie was finishing a cup of tea as Piltdown Man and George Porgy had been back a while and were keen to get home and warm. I don't think Smash and Miss Mash made it to the pub and there was no sign of Beeflicker. Ernie, too, had decided to get home early. So it was left to Man-Pig and Poacher to enjoy the hospitality of the Castle Inn.
Poacher had very kindly got a pint waiting for me upon my return. He also shared his pizza and chips. It was a very nice welcome back from the cold outdoors. Cheers Poacher.
The trail was really very good but you would have needed to have done both of the Longs to make the most of it. 
Stoke Gabriel is a fantastically picturesque village and we really should try to get back down here in daylight in order to appreciate its beauty.
Poor Poacher had told the pub that they could expect, perhaps twenty Hashers? On another day, twenty might have been a fair guess. I didn't know who to feel more sorry for, the pub or Poacher. 
Nevertheless, the pub was very welcoming for those that did make it into the On-Down. Ernie, Smellie and myself thoroughly enjoyed the Longs so a big "Thankyou" to Poacher for laying the trail and getting us out and doing something worthwhile on what would otherwise have been a boring evening in, watching the box.
Next week
Next week's Hash is from The Crown and Sceptre, St Marychurch, Torquay. Once again, your intrepid Hare is Poacher. If next week's trail is anything like last night's, you won't be disappointed.
On-On to next week.
Happy New Year. MP

Friday, 3 January 2025



Run #2057 Monday 6th January Circle up 7:15 pm from the Castle Inn, Stoke Gabriel TQ9 6RZ with Poacher welcoming in the New Year for TVH. The last time we were here was October 2016 with Wiggy. The car park opposite the Castle is, bizarrely, for Church House Inn customers (further down the hill) only. 🙃

TVH3 The Words for 30th December 2024

The British Legion, Newton Abbot

Run No. 2056 
"The Magnificent Seven + 1" or is it, "And Then There Were Five"?
HARE: Beeflicker
Who wuz there: Beeflicker, Man-Pig, Piltdown Man, Smellie, Pisswell, Beefy, Pocket Rocket and Melon Picker
The last run of the year always falls between Christmas and New Year. Many Hashers are away, have family commitments or are simply worn out from the Christmas Festivities.
Accordingly, numbers were low which is always a shame when a Hare has set a trail. In fact, Haldon Hash were not running at all on the 30th and AshHash had decided to cancel their Tuesday run as it fell on New Year's Eve.
So, yes, numbers were down. But they were even worse than the 8 listed above. On arriving at the Cricket Field car park at 7.10pm there was only the Hare and one other Hasher present, Piltdown Man.
"Where's Smellie?" I ask.
"She's on a later train".
Tonight's trail was no ordinary trail. It was to be a Walkers' trail only, walking between pubs. The Pig was sent back to his car to get changed out of his Hashing gear and to contemplate an evening of savouring the best in low alcohol beers that money could buy. On the other hand, those that were arriving on foot and by public transport were on a mission to rival that of The Twelve Pubs of Christmas.
Pisswell was present but no Beefy.
"Is Beefy looking after the girls this evening?" I enquire of Pisswell.
"No. I dropped him off at the Edgemoor Hotel and he's running down".
"Nuts" I thought.
And to Melon Picker, "Where's Soapy?"
"At a pantomime".
So, with that, the six of us circled up.
"Are there any announcements?' enquires Piltdown.
"Yes" says the Pig. "Poacher has phoned to advise that next week's Hash is from the Castle Inn, Stoke Gabriel. Also, the following week's Hash (also Hared by Poacher) is almost certainly going to be from The Crown & Sceptre, St Marychurch (TBC)".
And with that we were off.
If last week's trail only had Walkers' and Shorts' options, tonight's had Walkers' as the only option.The trail was marked in blue chalk arrows.
The first pub was The Locomotive. Amazingly, this pub did not have any real ales. They hadn't run out. They just don't serve them. Here we met up with Smellie and Beefilcker distributed pens and a Hash quiz that he had devised. Beeflicker had concocted a short story about a Hash pub crawl but there were missing words from the script. All we had to do was to fill the blanks with a Hasher's name to create a coherent story.
Man-Pig completed the quiz first but hadn't understood the instructions and got 1 out of 10. In a flashback to his schooldays, he was sent away to try again. Pocket Rocket took a full two pubs before completing his. Smellie was being particularly diligent and received full marks with everyone else circa 7 or 8 out of 10.
We moved onto the Cider Bar where Beefy was waiting for us and we all became confused by the term "Bibs". The chalk board listed a selection of draught ciders and then another selection under the heading of "Bibs".
"What are bibs?" I ask the barman. He points to the bank of 5 litre polybins lined up on the shelf.
Mystery solved.
With a full tally of eight, we decided to move straight onto the British Legion. We lost lost Melon Picker and Piltdown on the way as they were going to call it a night. We also temporarily lost Pisswell. She would be running back to the Edgemoor Hotel to collect the car and return for Beefy.
And then there were 5 who entered into the British Legion for a final slurp and a chat.
We agreed that we would pass on the Down-Downs this evening, even though Beeflicker was up for it. Despite, or perhaps because of, the low numbers, Beefy commented on how good it was for everyone to be sat around chatting about nothing in particular. And it was; all really rather convivial.
In the blink of an eye it was time for Smellie to catch her last train back to Teignmouth. Beefy's lift had arrived back in the guise of Pisswell and van so we bade each other "Farewell and a Happy New Year".
Next week
Next week's Hash is from The Castle Inn, Stoke Gabriel with Hare Poacher. Check your tide tables or bring a wetsuit!
On-On to next week and a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2025 to one and all MP XXX

Saturday, 28 December 2024


Run #2056 Monday 30th December 7:15 pm circle up from the Royal British Legion club, Newton Abbot, 2 Marsh Rd, Newton Abbot TQ12 2AP with hare Beeflicker.

FANCY DRESS 'Wee Willy Winkle' (night attire to the posh hashers) pub crawl hash. Bring yourselves and BRING CASH! 


TVH3 The Words for 23rd December 2024

The King's Arms, Kingsteignton

Run No. 2055 Christmas Raffle Draw "Wot....no Hares?"
HARES: The Invisible Man & Harry Potter and his invisibility cloak - alias Hot Lips & Zoot
Who might have been there:
Runners & Walkers - Shitfaced, Man-Pig, Only Here for the Beer, Beefy, Pisswell, Pocket Rocket, U-Bend, Piltdown Man, Georgy Porgy, Beeflicker, Wet-Johnny, Erection, Warmfront, Psycho, Red Rum, Melon Picker, Soapy, Roger-the-Dodger, Big End, Well Hopped, Ernie, Coldtits, Smash, Miss Mash, Miss'ing, Gagga-4-it, Triplejump, Arkangel, Strap-On, Strap-Dancer, Wide Receiver and a big welcome to a visitor from Isca hash - Spocky Bitz
On-Down only: Threesum, Base Camp, Cheerio Beerio, Darcy, Eve, Ablesemen, Wetfart, Teapot, Pork Torpedo, Hornie & Satnav
The only thing missing from the Circle were the Hares....and I know not why?
Shitfaced welcomed everyone to the TVH3 Christmas raffle run 2024. The only announcements were that all of the raffle tickets had been sold; food was being provided by the pub and would Hashers please contribute by putting something in the pot during the evening?
Man-Pig advised that he had visited Doris the previous week and found her to be perfectly lucid and having had a good old chat about the Hash.
Beeflicker advised that he was the Hare for next week's run from the Criket Field car park, Newton Abbot. It would be more of a pub crawl than a Hash so bring MONEY!
At this point, we would normally hand over to the Hares for a briefing about the trail. However, and I think for the first time in TVH3's history, there were no Hares present. In the past we have started plenty of Hashes in the absence of the Hares. This was usually because they were still out laying the trail. This evening was different. The trail had been laid. The Down-Downs had been paid for but there would be no Hares......and no explanation as to why. Nevertheless, it was left to Shitfaced to brief the pack:
"There is a Walkers' trail and a Shorts' trail"........silence........and......more silence. " If you want to do a Long, go around twice!" (or even thrice?)
The Short's trail was a simple run around Hackney Marshes looping up through the Passage House and back into Kingsteignton. The 1.9 mile loop did take in some virgin territory through the new housing estate above the Passage House. Here we encountered lots of Christmas illuminations and the marks were clear and frequent....until we reached The Bell Inn. The FRB's were now running back towards me. They had encountered an "On Home" mark just outside The Bell but it was pointing back whence we came. I ignored it and carried straight on only to encounter another "OH". This time pointing back to the King's Arms. I am surmising that the first "OH" was supposed to have been an "On Inn" for the Walkers i.e. walk up to The Bell, have a pint and walk back again.
Some did, indeed, go round again. Beefy and others were last seen heading down Kingsteignton Road towards the racecourse. The main thing was that we all got back in plenty of time for the draw.
Forrest must have finished his panto season by now. Nonetheless, he was AWOL so were we left with the Pig as RA. We commenced by thanking the pub for having us and welcoming back Teapot and our visitor from Isca Hash - Spocky Bitz.
The potential for awarding a Down-Down to the Hares was negated by their absence, so who has an Award from last week?
Beeflicker has an Award and a set of car keys .........that aren't his. So which Nissan owner is missing their starting apparatus? It is Ablesemen. Almost by definition, Ablesemen is driving so she elects for a glass of water. "Hold it in you hand Mrs Murphy".
Next up is Well Hopped with the Horned Hat. There is a story of someone who isn't very well in the family and who has been diagnosed by someone else in the family.....who is not a qualified Doctor - Roger the Dodger. RtD arrives front and centre muttering, "This is what happens if you go out with your daughter". Accordingly, a note for the incestuous one.
Awards are coming thick and fast. Warmfront has a story about someone on the Longs who nearly got run over by the smallest car on the planet. Our absent minded Jay walker is Psycho. A note for the Jay walker.
Shitfaced reminds us all of an incident that occurred many years ago when running from this very pub. An incident so lewd that it resulted in the arrest of one of our senior citizens. For those that havn't been running with us very long, Wetfart was called up to recount the tale of his indecent exposure charge. As Wetfart was chauffeuring Teapot, he also elected for a water accompanied to the Grand Old Duke of York.
I think Awards had run out by this time so there was a call from the floor about anyone having a birthday recently? The most recent birthday was U-Bend's last Wednesday. However, on this occasion, a birthday alone did not warrant a Down-Down. Man-pig got out his phone and showed Darcy, Cheerio's daughter, a photo of a van.
"Could you read out the number plate on this van?"
Darcy read it out.
"Who's van is this?"
"Mine" says U-Bend
"What is the van parked on Darcy?"
"Double yellow lines!"
A note for Reginald Molehusband - the worst parker in town (for those of you who might recall the public safety advert on the TV from the early 70's).
At this point, the bar staff start to bring the scoff out. There is only one beer left so we push on with the show.
Shitfaced suggests that the final half should go to Threesum. This is as a thanks for all the effort that she has put into arranging the raffle. And very well deserved too. However, once Threesum has the half of ale in her hand, another story comes to light. 
An FRB that had been around the Shorts twice was a tad thirsty when they arrived back at the On-Down. So thirsty in fact that they couldn't wait in the queue for a beer. Spying an unguarded pint, our thirsty Hasher takes a huge, and uninvited, gulp out of Threesum's pint. Not for the first time, our beer monster is none other than Psycho. A note for the alcoholic and then it is onto the raffle.
In an attempt to speed up the raffle, we now have two dips into two different buckets. The first dip generates the winner and the second dip identifies the prize. It takes about the same time as the previous "first out of the bucket gets first choice of prizes". 
Nevertheless, we proceed with the raffle as fast as possible with Wet Johnny and Only Here for the Beer appearing to scoop the majority of the prizes. As improbable as it seems, the two pies are won by Shitfaced.
We end by thanking the committee for organising the raffle and wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and, for those who are not doing next week's Hash, a Peaceful 2025.
Thankyou all for coming and making it so enjoyable.
Next week
Next week's Hash is from the Cricket Field car park, Newton Abbot. Our Hare is Beeflicker and we are promised more of a pub crawl than a run, so leave your car at home and bring beer tokens!
On the subject of pub crawls, AshHash's 12 pubs on Christmas will take place on Saturday 28th December. Wear fancy dress. It will commence from about 5.30 from The Railway then it usually makes its way to Tuckers Maltings followed by Weatherspoons (Richard Hopkins).
On-On to next week and a very Merry Christmas to one and all. MP XXX

Saturday, 21 December 2024


Run #2055 Monday 23rd December CHRISTMAS DRAW hash from the Kings Arms 6 Oakford, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot TQ12 3EG with Zoot & Hotlips.



TVH The Words for Monday 16th December

From The Railway Inn, Churston
Run #2054
Scribe: Pisswell
The train of lights Tickets please for: Georgie Porgie, Piltdown man, ManPig, Shitfaced, Miss Mash, Smash, Judgemental, Pocket Rocket, Beeflicker, Beefy, Pisswell, Satnav, Soapy, Melon Picker, Red Rum, Palmolive, Only here for the beer, Threesum and Cheerio Beerio ( circle only), Well hopped, Psyco, Warmfront, Smellie, Able Seaman, Strap on, Coldtits.
The circle: The GM welcomed everyone to hash no 2054 at The Railway Inn.
Announcements: Beeflicker announced that Mortica from South Hams hash had passed away recently. Threesum reminded that she was selling tickets for the Christmas draw next week The hare Pisswell, ( writing this) reminded people to book their scoff themselves from the pub. She was impressed at the lights people had dressed up in but forgot to say! She meant to offer a quick shower to anyone that wanted one as she was again wearing her shower curtain, cleverly disguised this time as the train of lights! (so no it wasn’t a bridal veil, but it did make Beefy run away much quicker than usual!).
Pisswell offered a 2m+ walkers and a nearly 5m long with something in between for the shorts. Having encountered some more interesting hashes in Vermont, USA, she was keen to share her experiences, so there would be several regroups and Christmas silliness along the way, not to be missed! She then drew examples on the tarmac to confuse hashers. “Please cooperate for fear of missing the tricky train timings or fear of whipping as per Valentines hash!” The trains come each hour at about 10 to 15 mins past the hour so early birds would have seen the first train of lights at the station, and she was hoping all would see the second at some point. She said that the trail was like a train track and might run both ways and that she had found “ foreign “ hash marks, also that her marks had been kicked out already by helpful ants!
The trail: the runaway train nursery rhyme The train of lights
The runaway train came up from Paignton and she blew, she blew
Fancy dress trains hung down hasher’s backs and lights too, lights too
The full hashing pack looked down the track,
On on they bayed and the train whistled back
As they do, do, do, do, do.
The train of lights was a hash treat and they knew, they knew
American checks would regroup the pack as they do, they do.
The station was near but the ride was too dear,
Missing the train was the hares greatest fear,
As we knew, knew, knew, knew, knew.
All could have played golf if they wanted to at Churston, Churston
But to regroup the pack, they had to play games and have fun, have fun!
They hugged by moonlight, played by Fairylight Dancing, then singing well into the night
So Well done, done, done, done, done
The longs went on down to Elberry cove to the sea, the sea
They puffed round the track, finding the trail laid by me, by me!
The others were shorter, but went by the water
Ending at Broadsands, where we could then loiter.
And see the moon above the sea.
We stopped in our tracks on the way back for mulled wine, mulled wine
Mince pies, no cream, watching for steam, for a sign, a sign.
The view we would learn was the train on return
Didn’t quite work but mince pies were well earned
A great time, time, time, time, time.
We regrouped the pack to the Railway Inn for On Downs,on downs
All were on home, stragglers were found, they were found, they’re found.
We drank down the beer, still in festive gear
Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year.
Cheers to all at the On down
Out takes: The first regroup check was a GH (group hug), but incorporating a long GG ( group game) of NOT duck, duck, goose, but sun, sun, moon! The moon was shining brightly from some of those hash bums Monday night! But the more modest sang or told a joke. Unfortunately, I think Haldon were playing games with us too as all but the walkers seemed to have gone the wrong way and Beefy, Beeflicker and Coldtits didn’t even turn up to the groupies!
The next regroup was a GD (group dance) so the plan was a grand chain made of hashers swinging arms around the circle and singing along to Cotton eyed Joe. That was the plan, but at that point, the train arrived and hopefully some people did manage to see it!
The last regroup was a homemade mince pies and mulled wine stop at the cafe at Broadsands, served by the brilliant Annie, who had met the 2 Beefs earlier. whilst they did the route backwards, or with Haldon, not sure which! There was little time as the pub was waiting and we were well behind. So the GS (group sing)), was done as quickly as possible, using Soapy's adapted 12 days of Christmas, ( many thanks, Soapy).
Pisswell decided to save time as Shitfaced was sending her “ Hurry up” messages and she was replying with short sweet replies! The 12 days of Christmas therefore started with 12 and people sang prolonged numbers whilst they waited for her to turn the page!
The return home was along the seafront for those who wanted to and then up the road, under the viaduct, and then led some again through the golf course. The Beefers again ignored Instructuctions, choosing Haldon above Teign valley!
The Down Downs : The landlord was thanked for the venue. Thanks to the hash for the beer.
Warmfront had the hashit shit and nominated a choice of Strap on or Satnav for their “mooning”. As Satnav refused a repeat performance and the pub probably never would have had us again, a quick assessment gave the award to Satnav.
Next up was Beefy and Pisswell. I’m not sure why we got it! Beefy had the jesters hat for a great Haldon hash I think, and Pisswell for making nearly everyone miss the train! So the only train they saw was the train of lights she was wearing! Sorry, not my best trail but such fun!
Next Pocket Rocket gave ManPig a down down for using his nerd name. This was Manpig’s third award in a row from Pocket Rocket. Funnily enough, Pocket Rocket also co hared Haldons run, so it was obviously him that messed it all up! Lastly, Well Hopped had a down down for Shitfaced’s dog sitting service. She nipped to the loo for just 15 mins, fitting in a quick look at the train, downed a quick pint and had done her Christmas shopping!
Next week is from the Kings arms at Kingsteignton and of course the Christmas draw. No trains to catch, no group games, no more draws to buy, no Haldon, yaaaaaaaay!
On on to next week!


It would be appreciated if those hashers that pay £1 a week when they attend rather than the £30 a year subscription could bring their one pound to the circle and pay Pisswell before the run. It is not much fun for her to chase hashers in the pub for payment. Many thanks for your cooperation. 🙂


Grand Master Shitfaced mobile 07973 682201
Vice G M U Bend
On Sec Piltdown Man mobile 07773038756
R A Organiser Teapot
R A Manpig
R A Forrest Stump
R A Fallen Woman
Hash Cash Threesome
Hash Tax Pisswell
Trail Raiser Smellie
Haberdashery Zoot
Song Master Pork Torpedo
Social Sec Wet Johnny
Web /Web Master Bluebird


This years membership, which is due now is £30 Alternatively, you can pay £1 per week when attending. Samantha Zimbler Hash cash Threesum. On line payments Account name: TEIGN VALLEY HASH House Harriers Sort Code: 55-70-01 Account number: 69068186 Reference: your hash name




GREATHASHGOD: A dedicated site (presently mothballed and serves as archive content only) with all TVH3 content. Mostly photos from each Monday's hash but also some video clips. Named after our Life President Pottsie.

PRECONDEROTOUS: Containing the entire archive of TVH3 of some 1000 vid clips and over 5000 posts and photos. Started on November 11th 2007, the site is active with Bluebird's personal content but the archive content is fascinating and preserved, well worth a look.























Previously unreleased clip - Vicky's naming from the Sea Trout