Easter Monday 17th April #1687 in a car park down the road from
Owlacombe Farm where Hare Bobbiball had planned his from. Sure enough on
a bright sunny evening many Hashers duly found their way to this remote
spot where at our Circle it was good to see several visiting Hashers,
plus the return of GOBBLER and later Point Four once again. Bobbi
stepped forward to explain the trail, in detail, a L/S split an unmarked
regroup 1/3rd of the way round? Also look for three chocolate rabbits where you see this sign! (see photo)
It was then On On into the clay pigeon shooting area of Owlacombe Beams where the first “Rabbit” mark had the pack franticly searching, lifting boulders and anything and everything, that could possibly hide them, under this mass search soon all three were quickly found.
On On again across lush fields, on virgin territory, into more woodland on a very hard rocky track, where the whole area had once been a big mining business with plenty of disused mines and probably shafts for an unsuspecting Hasher to fall into! Another “Rabbit” mark here slowed the FRBs giving Point Four and me a chance to search for one but it was too late! all were found and on we sped out onto the lane at Stormsdown, going off road soon into more fields for a regroup photo.
Moving again on fast down hill through more fields which were also very uneven to Hooks Farm, with now just one more chance to find those elusive “Rabbits” but we were unlucky, as it was On out onto lanes for a final run in over Owlacombe Bridge to the O/H car park.
Despite Bobbi's advice the pack arrived at The Exeter Inn in Ashburton from several directions where the beer was good and they had a Hash menu! Down-Downs were awarded to the following:- ARCHANGEL for leaving a mobile phone at the Drum last week.
GEORGY-P-ORGY for complaining it was hard and knobbly on the trail!
SATNAV after some discussion her 300Runs Badge!
DAMP PATCH for flooding his plate in mayonnaise.
GOBBLER a welcome back Down-Down
Their were prizes for the most Rabbits collected which went to SLIP-on-ME and WOOF WOOF
Well done Bobbi for an almost “virgin trail” with a difference.
On to next week at Belvedere Tower CP, Haldon. OD Bishop Lacy. Hare: Damp Patch.
On On
A chance for a photo of the lucky finds, but Point 4 is still searching and there's one!.... above RAMBO'S head!
It was then On On into the clay pigeon shooting area of Owlacombe Beams where the first “Rabbit” mark had the pack franticly searching, lifting boulders and anything and everything, that could possibly hide them, under this mass search soon all three were quickly found.
On On again across lush fields, on virgin territory, into more woodland on a very hard rocky track, where the whole area had once been a big mining business with plenty of disused mines and probably shafts for an unsuspecting Hasher to fall into! Another “Rabbit” mark here slowed the FRBs giving Point Four and me a chance to search for one but it was too late! all were found and on we sped out onto the lane at Stormsdown, going off road soon into more fields for a regroup photo.
Moving again on fast down hill through more fields which were also very uneven to Hooks Farm, with now just one more chance to find those elusive “Rabbits” but we were unlucky, as it was On out onto lanes for a final run in over Owlacombe Bridge to the O/H car park.
Despite Bobbi's advice the pack arrived at The Exeter Inn in Ashburton from several directions where the beer was good and they had a Hash menu! Down-Downs were awarded to the following:- ARCHANGEL for leaving a mobile phone at the Drum last week.
GEORGY-P-ORGY for complaining it was hard and knobbly on the trail!
SATNAV after some discussion her 300Runs Badge!
DAMP PATCH for flooding his plate in mayonnaise.
GOBBLER a welcome back Down-Down
Their were prizes for the most Rabbits collected which went to SLIP-on-ME and WOOF WOOF
Well done Bobbi for an almost “virgin trail” with a difference.
On to next week at Belvedere Tower CP, Haldon. OD Bishop Lacy. Hare: Damp Patch.
On On
A chance for a photo of the lucky finds, but Point 4 is still searching and there's one!.... above RAMBO'S head!