Run #1806 from the Red Rock Brewery, Bishopsteignton with Shitfaced & Only Here For The Beer
So back we came with a willing heart to the brewery with a
welcome for the third edition* of 'a P**s up in a Brewery' and all the
hares had to do was organize the proverbial. However, it was quite a bit
harder than that as all hares very well know...
GM Shitfaced, Only Here, Winfield, Piltdown, U Bend,
'Poles' Piddler, Woof Woof (welcome back), Hagen Daz & Budgie
Smuggler, SatNav, 3Sum (loved the flowery dress), Twinkletoes, Zorro,
Rise n Shine, Manpig still standing after laying and running A2B, BroadS
complete with some hi-tech equipment (intravenous beer drip) he was
trialling for an upcoming half marathon, SM Ellie, Flasher back from
injury, Beefy, Wiggy & Bobby wisely Panzerless but becycled, Rambo
& Doris, Slip on Me, Libby, Linda, a trio of virgins: Holly, Brenda
and Dan, Hotlips & Zoot, T Humper, I-Poo'd, Getting Wet & Never
Wet, Just Cummin back from hols, Fukarwi in Daz bright tee shirt,
Coldtits, Deep Semen & Hot Boiler (let out at last), BB, Forrest,
Pork Torpedo & Hornie, Nikki, Able, Wetfart, Jackie, Kermit, Mateus
Rose, Archangel. Trust that Teapot and Runner Bean recover from their
various ailments in time for next week.
Must admit to being somewhat bemused by the 'Brenda' question by Piltdown which BroadS knew all about.
trails were described by the hares, walkers about two, shorts three and
five miles for the longs with one L/S split and marks on the right -
nice and straightforward and off we went with Flasher leading as we
turned out of the drive.
Lovely tarmac and downhill to get us going early on
and Flasher drifted away to soon disappear from sight. Unfortunately, we
didn't have the opportunity of seeing which way he went at the first
check situated on Half a Leg corner.** A quick consultation took place
with newbies to the game Dan and Holly listening intently to see if they
could make sense of it all. The bat was loathe to continue up the rock
strewn path, recalling the same point a year ago when Poacher was led
astray by the same hare. 'On one!' was called but still a reluctant
little huddle hesitated. 'I still say it isn't up there,' persisted the
batty one. 'On two..... ON ON!' Drat and double drat. Pork Torpedo took
great delight in the bat's batty radar and after eating a hefty slice of
humble pie, we continued.
will give Fukarwi top marks for being able to keep running even on the
steepest ascents but a hasher was able to overtake him walking - never
mind old mate, you tried.
going the Wong Wei!' shouted Bobby Lance*** who alarmingly appeared
careering towards us downhill as we valiantly mountaineered. That was in
very poor taste Bobby.
Our two Premier division hashers, Flasher and Beefy
were scouting far ahead but the Division 1 team was forming up behind.
Hagen Daz is training up Budgie Smuggler and they can certainly go a
bit; Manpig (I'd love to know what he was taking to still be able to run
after Saturday's exertions); Fukarwi, BroadS still imbibing from drip
and Zorro (AH3 mover of some renown) were duking it out; Dan, Holly and
Ned (the pooch) were keeping up with little difficulty and Forrest with
Muttley in tow, made up the pursuers. I didn't find out who Woof Woof
was running with - perhaps deep in conversation but she could easily
have been up at the front with her talent.
A picturesque little wooded section was overgrown
with trailing brambles ('little pricks' according to 3Sum) and BroadS
was hurdling them with alacrity until I put the mockers on it by stating
how impressed I was at his nimbleness. Sorry I dobbed you in my son,
but it had to be done.
trail was very well thought out and marked with great views out over
the Teign and the longs were in hashing heaven. The hills were alive
[sic] to the joyous cries of delight - particularly the last section
climb from Great Furlong to Humber Lane - loved it hares and wanted
more! A trademark of a sound trail is the intermingling of the shorts
and longs and this occurred on the climb to Humber Lane.
fifty minutes trucking and five miles was perfect - a Five Star trail
in my book and set us up nicely for the Red Rock beer (and pies).
You were lucky if you could find a seat in the Red
Rock and there was an anxious queue at the bar. The pies proved popular -
only one left after three dozen sold to replete hashers. An excellent
(as always) atmosphere prevailed and Manpig orchestrated the downdown
entertainment to perfection. Always Wet heroically came to the aid of
Never Wet when she faltered with her DD and Holly learnt to be careful
with her observations on trail - there's always someone listening for a
good story. Archangel reported that Only Here for the Beer is now Only
Drinking Cider so perhaps he should be renamed Rosie - No? Well
I have to mention (mainly to remember for next time)
my failure to spend anything on the night. No, it wasn't for the want
of trying. Manpig had kindly brought Fukarwi and me a pint out to the
cars while we were changing which slipped down without touching the
sides. Fukarwi hatched a cunning plan to jointly go halves for a return
round and then refused my £20! A bit later the same happened with
Wiggy and then to top it all, I couldn't even pay for a bag of crisps!
It's not very often you can have a great night out without spending a
red cent! Next time lads.
Hash 1806 at The Red Rock Brewery Bishopsteignton with Hares Shitfaced
& Only Here for the Beer. The pair marched us up and up to little
Haldon, then down down again, but it was good to see the Longs puffing
past us after their route down to Bishopsteignton!
Awards for the evening were presented to...
VIRGIN Hasher HOLLY who pointed out Teignmouth when it was Bishopsteignton where she lives!
NEVER WET who failed to hear the ON ON call as she was wearing headphones!
THREE SUM in the bush said the Trail was full of " Little Pricks" ??
ONLY here for the BEER who was held responsible for THAT trail!.
A great trail and evening especially with the in demand pie's !! Thank you.
Awards for the evening were presented to...
VIRGIN Hasher HOLLY who pointed out Teignmouth when it was Bishopsteignton where she lives!
NEVER WET who failed to hear the ON ON call as she was wearing headphones!
THREE SUM in the bush said the Trail was full of " Little Pricks" ??
ONLY here for the BEER who was held responsible for THAT trail!.
A great trail and evening especially with the in demand pie's !! Thank you.
* Last time we visited: #1781 Monday 11th February.
** #1755 Mon 13th August from the Red Rock Brewery.
*** Armstrong!
We look forward to our next visit to the Red Rock, well done the hares!
ON ON to next week and Circle up from Newbridge CP Ashburton Dartmoor TQ13 7NT OD: TBC . (Poacher & No69)