Run No: 1608 laid by
emergency Hare FORREST with HEIDI from “Trucker” (ex Hasher's )
field below Trusham. It was a bit of a chaotic start to the evening
as there were Teign Valley “Road Closed” signs at Chudleigh which
most of us ignored ..well we are Hasher's! Then DAMP PATCH managed to
lock his car keys inside his car! after all tying our keys it needed
RAMBO to drive him uphill for a signal to call for help. Finally at
the Circle it was good to see WARM FRONT and visitor SPARKLE with us.
A reminder to all that TICKETS are being sold now for our CHRISTMAS
HASH PARTY at Teignmouth on 19
th Dec, with our CHRISTMAS
RAFFLE on Monday 21
st Dec venue TBA. Forrest's sparsely
laid trail led us uphill towards Teign Village then up again to
Hennock but it was in places across some good virgin off road
territory. With some local knowledge we managed to find our way down
some almost hidden tracks to the plentiful A/S (apple stop) then on
across hilltop fields and on down towards Home but a cunning FISH
HOOK 6 caught us FRB's out where we were returned to the Hare HEIDI
who was fortunately not far behind us! We were almost home before
FORREST added a detour across more fields, river and brambles! to
catch us out before we were On Home. In the Palk Arms Hennock some
great food was supplied by the landlord which the hungry pack had to
be held back from before the DDs which were awarded to the
unfortunate DAMP PATCH now driving again.
Yours truly WINFIELD
for getting lost in the bushes with WARM FRONT!
FORREST for those
sparse marks
Another great trail
from FORREST and HEIDI... oh yes it was!